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Join us for a panel discussion with Jamie Bonham, around integrating the economy and the environment. Topics include:


At our premier event of the year, we'll be networking over pizza, watching the award-winning film "Chasing Ice", and then hearing from special guest speaker Dr.


Join Taylor Amerman, Brown-Forman's North American Regional Alcohol Responsibility Manager, for an honest conversation about how she promotes responsibility in an seemingly "irresponsible" industry


This year’s conference was hosted at Tulane University in New Orleans. impACT solicited applications from students to go and helped coordinate the logistics.


Student members participated in a discussion about their reasons for joining impACT, how they wanted to see the world change, and what previous experience they have had with impACT, non-profits, an


impACT members and Hult Prize participants had the opportunity to have lunch with Theresa Williamson, who described and answered questions about her experience working in the favelas of Brazil.


Five teams of 3-4 students pitched ideas for a social business addressing the issue of crowded urban spaces to a panel of expert judges.


Students flew to Seattle to attend the Net Impact Conference. impACT coordinated the application process and logistics.


Hear from a professional from the industrial sector on job search, what employers look for, and how to stand out in your application.


Welcoming the Spring (Finally!) with the group and members at a board member's house. Networking and getting to know everyone's progress through this past year.


An evening out with several professionals working in the private sector (consulting), liaisons for government sector (like USGS, local County office) and academia (related to sustainable entreprene


Learn About How Sustainability is Integrated in Green Building Techniques and How to Optimize Complex Technical Systems While Maximizing Environmental Benefits.


The University of Oregon Net Impact Undergraduate Chapter’s SPRNG (Sustainable Practices Raising Net Growth) Conference at the Lillis Business Complex in Eugene, Oregon is an outstandingly unique o


In partnership with Toyota and national Net Impact to engage students around the country on imagining and building the future of transportation and mobility.


The goal of this event is for students and alumni to have a meaningful connection to business. Come meet businesses from the Greater Seattle Area.


Speaker Event (panel discussion) hosted by our Environmental Policy and Business Forum


If you aren't going to the Net Impact Boston event tonight, join John and Alex in a Professional Development Workshop in the normal location and meeting time!


Net Impact IIT Kharagpur is organizing NIx IIT Kharagpur in collaboration with Net Impact HQ (San Francisco).


5 Graduate students talked with our members about their career paths and offered advice.


The Quickfire Consulting Club invites you to a 4-hour design-thinking inspired consulting session with Global Student Embassy, a nonprofit who offers a holistic program including international exch


Thanks to the generous people at Climate One, we have access to ten free tickets to attend their panel on the denial of climate science by the oil industry, and how the tactics used mirror those us


Join Presidio Graduate School, Bay Area Impact Design, and Net Impact as we explore how to design solutions for the needs of society from a human-centered perspective.


Join Bay Area Impact Design (BAID) and Net Impact for a FREE kick-off event to unite students interested in business, design, and social impact.


Join Presidio Graduate School for our FREE February Community Event featuring a conversation with Stephanie Lampkin, Founder and CEO of Blendoor.


Join your PGS Student Associations as they share about themselves and the big plans each group has coming up for the semester!


Join us for the January Community Event during Residency Featuring a Conversation with Laura Bloch, Sustainability Lead at US EPA.


Chapter members and alumni are invited to a social event at a local Seattle Irish pub. This event will be for socializing and networking.


Our executive members provided a workshop to our members on how to find an internship through different resources (included resume and cover letter tips, networking, etc.)


Our career trek involved a day trip to Detroit to visit General Motors in their world HQ in the Detroit RenCen, Green Garage, and Detroit Venture Partners.


Please join us for an inspiring evening of conversation about bringing passion and values to the workplace.


Our chapter is traveling to Bend, Oregon to provide sustainability consulting to three local businesses over the course of two days.


We're inviting everyone to our Green Drinks Networking Event on October 21. This is a great opportunity to meet and interact with professionals and experts in the field of sustainability.


Are you interested in sustainability? Do you believe that business can serve as an institution for social and environmental change?


Nubian Queen Lola runs an incredible Cajun Food restaurant in Austin where she serves the hungry, homeless population in addition to clothing them with the Texas State Alumni Association initiative


Working in conjunction with ESPN, Net Impact members will assist in reducing the footprint of the event which has been the largest attended event since its Austin launch in 2014.


Working with Circuit of the Americas, the only Formula 1 track in North America and the only one based in sustainability in the world, Net Impact members using Tree Works app will find, booth and


What a trio of speakers who will present what sustainability in business looks like in the 21st century.


Sign up for Moto GP work with Tree Works app locating trees around the track emitting O2 in exchange for CO2 from the engines providing environmental and social actions in Elroy, TX.


Working in conjunction with Main Street San Marcos/San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, Net Impact will conduct level 1 ASHRAE energy audits using the Green Impact Campaign to the 100s of small business


Working with the City of San Marcos, Net Impact picks up rubbish and recycling along the San Marcos River to protect the 8 endangered species.


A week long of events focused on leadership, ethics and sustainability. Net Impact Chapter launches the inaugural sessions on ethics/corporate social responsibility and sustainability in BLW.


Launch the spring semester with a variety of speakers to inspire about the breadth of sustainability careers.


Meet Bobcats; inform of Net Impact projects; recruit new members at a campus wide Student Involvement Fair


Sunrun from San Francisco will be visiting Net Impact and will be speaking on the impact of renewable energy systems on a local and global scale.

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