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FoodCon is a conference devoted to the business of sustainable food systems. The theme this year is “Good for All: Sustainable. Profitable. Accessible.”


Lunch n Learn with Jeff Yorzyk of Green Chef -- a sustainable Blue Apron.


Stacy Carroll, Director of Partnerships at Hungry Harvest, will discuss how they are partnering with businesses and nonprofits to reduce food waste and food insecurity.


Collected food and clothing items for a shelter from Kellogg community


Join us for the opportunity to gain real-world experience by consulting with Twin Cities non-profits on challenges facing their organizations.


The event consists of a day of consulting, where we brought in diverse nonprofits from our community that are all facing challenges within their organization.


Panel on Corporate Social Responsibility!

Patrick Hermann
MBA Candidate, Questrom School of Business


Our group toured Harpoon Brewery in South Boston, learning about the brewing process and, in particular, about how Harpoon incorporates sustainability into their operations model.


Learn about how climate change impacts food production. Dream up a blueprint that will move us toward a carbon neutral food supply chain.


Learn about how climate change impacts food production and come up with a way to make a positive impact.


An opportunity for business students to network with industry professionals making an impact in sustainability and social responsibility.


Interested in socially responsible food practices? Join Net Impact: Brandeis Undergraduate Chapter in touring the Taza Chocolate Factory!


Are you interested in giving back to the local community, gaining volunteer experience, and learning about one of the leading nonprofit & social venture organizations in Washington, D.C.?


An Earth Week program to teach students on campus, through informative comedy and skits, how to take clear steps towards being more sustainable on campus (through laundry, food, recycling, and tran


Mark your calendars for a Net Impact Happy Hour event on Friday, October 7th at 6 pm!


Professional speakers will be talking us about their experiences with sustainable food and how they are working to incorporate sustainability into the food of IU and of local restaurants.


Join us as we watch "Sustainable" - an inspiring and informative documentary that investigates the economic and environmental instability of America's food system.


Join us as we investigate the challenges of the current food crisis and compete to find the best solutions for this problem


Learn more about how business can address acute needs such as food security in our community. Learn about what it takes to launch a social benefit corporation.


Net Impact is going an upcoming field trip to a local B Corp coffee roaster, Nossa Familia.


To celebrate, and learn about a cool local brewery, we're hosting our first Industry Field Trip to Hopworks Brewery on SE Powell, on Tuesday Dec 13th, from 3:30 to 5:00pm.


The Brazilian community moves to São Paulo this year showcasing how global and local businesses are committing to brand value creation through sustainability-led innovation.


Please join Net Impact on the first ever Responsible Business Trek to Chicago.


In order to celebrate the joy of giving around one of India's most prominent festivals, Diwali, the ISB Hyderabad campus organized a week long campaign: #DriveTheChange Week.


Participants dreamed up a blueprint that will move us toward a carbon neutral food supply chain for a chance to incubate their ideas at a global food solutions conference.


An inside look at food sustainability from industry leaders, Monsanto on Friday, January 20th at 1 PM.


Head to deliver thousands of tee shirts to Nubian Queen Lola to clothe the homeless, and stay for a Cajun food feast.


Starting the spring semester, join us to idea generate about UniGame in order to unveil a product to exponentially expand social digitization for Unilever.


Grab your dinner and join DCNI upstairs at Cava Grill for a discussion on the benefits of locally sourced foods.


Join DCNI for a design thinking challenge where we will develop creative solutions to meet the growing demand for food while decreasing the carbon footprint of food production.


Net impacts Farm to Fork event is an initiative to teach students how to cook their own food on a budget using local vendors.


We approached Young Mountain Tea (YMT), a local Eugene startup, about a potential project we could execute on their behalf.


We'll be working in their Youth Garden, which is a farm used to educate kids about growing and eating nutritious food. We'll be helping plant/tend the are in the greenhouse and grow tunnels.


Come get breakfast and hear from Seth Goldman, co-founder of Honest Tea and an SOM alum.


CSU Net Impact hosted a tour of a local sustainable business.


CSU's Net Impact Club is hosted a community partnership event at The Growing Project. We visited Hope Farms to tour and spend some time volunteering on the farm.


Alicia's Homemade, Worcester's only all natural sauce and spice company will be visiting us Tuesday, March 21 @ 7:30 pm.


Join Net Impact Undergraduate Chapter to explore Polar Beverages Factory!


Net Impact Local: Georgia Tech is a one-day conference for those who are committed to making a lasting social and environmental impact.


RSVP here for the presentation (FREE):


Ash Sheehan will share with the group what he initially pitched at the Hannah Grimes Pitchfork event last fall and what he shared with the audience (as an update) at the Pitchfork event last evenin


Antioch's Net Impact Chapter will be putting on an end of the year party at Nicolia's Restaurant in Keene on Saturday, December 10th at 6 pm. We invite you all to join us!

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